bookU | Administratiemodule


& contracts

No more hassle with daily contracts through bookU's administration module. This bookU module automatically generates contracts based on time registration or planning, while also sending out Dimona returns. That way, you save time and give yourself peace of mind!



With bookU's admin module, you effortlessly and automatically manage the flow of Dimona returns for temporary workers.

Upload contract templates into the software and automatically generate daily and weekly contracts based on time registration or scheduling.

“Dimona returns and contracts run flawlessly from now on, while my employees no longer need to record their worked hours thanks to the time tracker function on the bookU app.”

Tom Sintobin

Kaffee Lagaar Izegem

Why work with bookU for your administration?

Less paperwork

No more hassle with daily contracts and manual Dimona returns. Everything is done intuitively and automatically.

Time saved

Getting your paperwork in order has never taken so little time, making you more flexible than ever with bookU!


Administrative simplification allows the bookU user to focus on more useful, profitable tasks.


Availabilities & work schedules


Dimona & contracts

Time registration

Time tracker and processing